Use of cookies

The website uses the following cookies:

The website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved in your browser. Everyone who visits a website that uses cookies must by law be informed that the website uses cookies, what they are used for and how you can turn them off.

Google Analytics

Used to measure and keep statistics on visitors. We anonymize the user data and cannot track you as an individual. By accepting cookies, you allow the handling of personal data that is not anonymized. This gives us more detailed information about our visitors, which allows us to improve the website and our communication with the target group.


Used to measure and keep statistics on visitors. We anonymize the user data and cannot track you as an individual. By accepting cookies, you allow the handling of personal data that is not anonymized. This gives us more detailed information about our visitors, which allows us to improve the website and our communication with the target group.


Used to evaluate the behavior of visitors on the website in the form of heatmaps, scroll and click data. This is to improve the experience on the website so that relevant information reaches the visitor in a better way. No personal data is saved before you accept the storage of cookies, we cannot track you individually. When accepting cookies, you also allow session recordings, which means that we can follow how you navigated the page.

The purpose of the processing of personal data is to enable Albacross to improve a service provided to us and our website (e.g. ”Lead generation” service), by adding data to its database about companies. In addition to ”Lead generation”, the Albacross database will be used for targeted advertising purposes to companies, and for this purpose, the data will be transferred to third-party data service providers. For the sake of clarity, targeted advertising applies to companies, not to individuals. The data collected and used by Albacross to achieve this purpose is information about the IP address from which you visited our website and technical information that enables Albacross to distinguish between different visitors from the same IP address. Albacross stores the domain from form input to correlate the IP address with your employer.

Facebook Pixel

Used to measure marketing data, improve our communication with customers and design the product. Activated only for users who choose to approve the sharing of cookies when visiting the website.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

Used to measure marketing data, improve our communication with customers and design the product. Activated only for users who approve the sharing of cookies when visiting the website.What personal data do we collect about you and why?We mainly process your name and your email address and your telephone number. This happens if you request a quote and thus provide us with this information. We collect this information in order to be able to contact you and continue our cooperation.

What personal data do we collect about you and why?

We mainly process your name and your email address and your telephone number. This happens if you request a quote and thus provide us with this information. We collect this information in order to be able to contact you and continue our cooperation.If you have any specific questions about the information above or further questions connected to Entire Nordic AB, you can contact us at

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